Friday, December 21, 2012

The website for the PhDave Foundation is complete!

I literally jammed as much onto the site as I possibly could....not sure if I could realistically fit anything more on the home page :)

The URL is     the version is 1.0

I will be improving this site with more additions in the future, but for now, I'm happy with the design and feel. I tried to make the site both fun and educational simultaneously; I'd be happy for any feedback.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

NJ Business Builder Finished

Finally is designed for prospective small business owners in NJ who may need a little extra assistance to form their business without paying hundreds or even of thousands of extra dollars.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ask PhDave Added

Courtesy of the PhDave Foundation, PhDave will now answer 2-4 of your chemistry questions per day for free in an attempt to provide free educational resources to all students. Check it out at either or

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Upgrade to company status

As of mid-October 2012, PhDave has been registered with New Jersey as PhDave, LLC

Monday, October 1, 2012

Old Picture Looked "Terrible" :)

Both my wife and a student I was tutoring informed me my website photo was terrible, so I changed the photo to one of my wedding photos. Now I've been told it looks too formal. Well, better too formal (but still a good photo) than a terrible photo! Here they are (new photo on left).

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Proofreading Video Advertisement is Up!

I would have never thought (even 5 years ago) my ability to see misplaced commas that every other person missed would be useful! I posted a video advertisement on YouTube to help people become aware of my proofreading eagle eye. Getting a couple of hits so far...hope to get more. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Great website for explanatory math videos

Check out

I don't think he has enough video content on his site :)

ViewBix informed me what they define as "impressions"

Every time the ViewBix video is rendered, that counts as an impression. It doesn't matter if the video is clicked or not.

PhDave v2.0 is up and running smoothly

I finally have PhDave website Version 2.0 up and running. I have to find out from ViewBix what exactly their definition of "number of impressions" is. Otherwise, the site is up and seems STABLE so far. The CSS seems to be getting interpreted by the 3 major browsers almost exactly the same, which is a relief. The website looks best on Chrome....IE placed a blue box around the linked images but I was able to remove these. PhDave v 3.0 is my next project, along with 2 websites for my company JADI Enterprises LLC. PhDave 3.0 will (probably) have some advertising, a new service offered, and with any progress on the SQL/php front, a user login and database for this new service.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This is a test to see if the Viewbix app works properly.